Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Are ALL Forms Of Fiat Considered A Taxable Offense?

Commentary by Roger Erickson

Individual? Distributed? Private? Public? Can we afford enough tax collectors to fund ourselves? :(

Who knew that initiative was so taxing!? [Try not to laugh. These are serious questions to some Austrian-E OCD folks.]

Germany is to impose a 25pc capital gains tax on Bitcoin transactions following a ruling that the virtual currency is a form of money.

"Germany is to impose a 25pc capital gains tax on Bitcoin transactions following a ruling that the virtual currency is a form of money."

At least this explains the NSA's paranoia about recording our every thought. The real plan is to allow the IRS to detect and tax all forms of individual or public initiative, no matter HOW they're expressed! Why not just distribute tin foil hats to all citizens, with strings attached?

There's a hole in this thinking.* Who will tax the IRS and NSA? Their taxing intiatives may go untaxed! Can't have that, since we're already running out of initiative .. er .. fiat .. er .. currency. Think that's taxable? Thought it might go untaxed? Tax again, buddy.

Hat tip to @ImplodOMeter
* There's actually a virtual remedy to this virtual dilemma. Just apply virtual taxes to virtual currency, and let citizens pay with virtual initiative! Badda boom!
   This is Angela's variant of an old Russian joke? "You pretend to fund me, and I'll pretend to pay some of the funds back as taxes."
   Hey. I got us an idea. Let's just tax NeoCons and Control Frauds? They can appear to hide fraud from us, and we'll keep on pretending not to see it!

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