Thursday, August 14, 2014

Interesting tweet from Palin

Tweet below from Palin taking a hack at "Big Oil", advocates for citizens to come into a realization that they collectively own the natural resources. Sounds leftist. Sounds socialist/communist.
On August 19, Alaskans vote on a critical ballot measure that cuts right to the heart of our development opportunities, Alaskan jobs, our resource ownership, and promises of a prosperous and sovereign future.
Alaskans know we own our resources that fuel our economy. Alaskan oil belongs to us as residents...
And meanwhile the left hates her so go figure.


David said...

And meanwhile the left hates her so go figure.

Well, when the R's hired her to red-bait Obama in her ever-so-charming way, she didn't have anything to say about public ownership of resources. If I had heard anything of the sort from her in the '08 campaign I would have seriously considered voting for the ticket. Of course nothing of that sort was forthcoming from her.

Matt Franko said...

David she did an interview as gov. of alaska with Maria Bartiromo a bit before she was asked by McCain to run as VEEP and she was imo very good in that interview in this regard.... sharp on the economics, the numbers, etc..

Then she was nominated and imo got like "sucked into" the "machine" with your "red-baiting" etc... and went in another direction where she I have to admit seemed to really get into it... the celebrity, etc... now she is on that gravy train and seems like she wants to stay on it...

But it is interesting to see the now queen of the tea party talk this way... literally it sounds leftist to me... collectivist...


Ryan Harris said...

She's going with a sort of populist economic liberalism to attract the poor and middle oppressed from the west and social conservatism in her seemingly friendly compassionate motherly way. All very Reagan-esque.

She reminds me of my immigrant grandmother. When Dems insult her and do their vicious ad-hominem attacks, even though I usually disagree with Palin, in the back of my head, I feel like they are attacking my family for having a funny accent and old fashioned ideas. I'll bet that I'm not the only one.

xan said...
