Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Russia Insider — Bridge Burning 101: Europe to Bring Antitrust Charges Against Gazprom

Apparently Russia isn’t rushing into the arms of China fast enough for Europe. Schnell, schnell!
The EU already tried this on South Stream and was shocked, shocked, shocked, when Russia cancelled the project and rerouted though Turkey. Now they are coming back for more? What was that about doing the same thing and expecting different results?

Talk about backing yourself into a corner.

Russia Insider
Bridge Burning 101: Europe to Bring Antitrust Charges Against Gazprom


mike norman said...

This suggests U.S. pressure is enormous and it now looks like extension of the sanctions is more likely in June. They will get Greece (and whoever else) on board so that all 28 EU member states agree to extend.

Tom Hickey said...

US is aiming at freezing Russia out of the European gas market and supply it with US gas by ship. The port facilities are already being constructed.

The upshot is that the world is dividing into two political and economic blocs, and that is developing into military blocs, too.