Monday, July 6, 2015

Der Spiegel — Reaktionen auf Referendum: "Merkel muss jetzt den Grexit organisieren"

Outraged Germans want Greece out. 

This article is only in the German edition, not in the International Edition.

Spiegel Online
Reaktionen auf Referendum: "Merkel muss jetzt den Grexit organisieren"
Markus Becker


Anonymous said...

More loose-lipped German fanatics isolating themselves. It's not about the money, or the economy of Europe, or practical global politics or anything else. It's the sheer principle of the thing.

Anonymous said...

pricipal of the thing or principal of The Thing? At the outset, the Euro seemed much more warm and fuzzy than V2's, I'm sure.

A very interesting post from Charles Hayden at the MMT Defict Owls Committee:

Jose Guilherme said...

Krugman's NYT column of today comes out forcefully in favor of Grexit as the least bad option.

If things go that way (as they arguably must if the ECB keeps ELA frozen, thus preventing the reopening of the banks) let's hope that the EU is wise enough to facilitate the introduction of a new currency by eschewing sanctions or other punitive measures.

In that case the Greek economy would stand a good chance of recovery - and leave behind the nightmare of the last 5 years of "austerity".

Matt Franko said...

Let's remember these are spawn of Nazis and products of East German "nurture" we are dealing with... ie damaged goods...

Merkel probably grew up in constant terror of being taken from her family and injected with steroids and made a female East German Olympic shot putter...

They all probably have a form of PTSD at least...