

Monday, September 21, 2015

Whitehouse Staffer Tragically Killed in effort to "Raise Money"

Good people need not effectively risk their lives in order to "raise money" for either cancer treatments or anti-cancer research.

USD balances can always be credited to the accounts of those in need of a full range of care/treatment and to those trained and qualified in the conduct of research into the prevention or cure of this class of dreaded diseases.

This is a real shame.


  1. Terrible, Matt. Mosler already hates MNE, and Mike removed all references too in the ongoing feud. But this is his pet-charity, you are stirring up a hornets nest.

  2. Well Ryan (btw as my wife constantly has to remind me...) in the mean time, good people (the pastoral among us) are going to be called to try to do what they can to help the situation for fellow human victims of injustices like this dreaded disease... this is their role and seemingly our only line of defense right now... as the nominal intelligentsia among us is surely failing us at this time....


  3. I like MNE and I like Warren even though I disagree with both from time to time. It's a shame when people can't have an honest heartfelt discussion without someone getting all butthurt.

    Too bad the man died trying to raise imaginary electronic tokens.

  4. I don't see how this post has anything to do with me and Mosler.

  5. Ahh...I see, Mosler rides and he's trying to raise money for this charity. He's got a goal of $14 grand and he raised zero.

    Separately, it's a terrible tragedy that this guy died.

  6. Bill O'Reilly pretty much made Mary Katherine Ham famous by having her on his show a million times.
