Saturday, October 24, 2015

Beatrice Cherrier — Theory vs data, computerization, old wine and new bottles: Morgenstern and Econometric Society fellows, 1953

[Oskar] Morgenstern proposed that candidates be required to“have done some econometric work in the strictest sense” and be “in actual contact with data they have explored and exploited for which purpose they may have even developed new methods.” Though remembered as the coauthor of one of economics’ most prominent theoretical treatise, The Theory of Games, Morgenstern also had a longstanding interest in statistical work. His feeling was that the Econometric Society and Econometrica editors overvalued “purely abstract work,” while stimulus should be give, to “papers involving data.”
The Undercover Historian
Theory vs data, computerization, old wine and new bottles: Morgenstern and Econometric Society fellows, 1953
Beatrice Cherrier

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