Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Moon of Alabama — An Eyewitness Tells How The U.S. Ambassador Instigated "Revolution" In Syria

S. Rifai, also known as @THE_47th, is a Syrian "activist" from Homs. He was involved since early 2011 when the U.S. Ambassador Robert Ford (@fordrs58) fomented the "revolution" in Syria. He has since tweeted about the "revolution" and has shown lots of insider knowledge. Below S. Rifai corrects the U.S. propaganda record.…
"Eyewitness" is correct but too narrow. Rifai was an active participant in the revolution the US ambassador was fomenting in 2011 in Syria.

Moon of Alabama
An Eyewitness Tells How The U.S. Ambassador Instigated "Revolution" In Syria

More on propaganda.

Gallery: "Dramatic Rescue - Man With Kid Runs Towards Camera" - 43 (Staged) Pictures

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