

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Michael Hudson — Wall Street First

Trump is Obama’s Legacy. Will this Break up the Democratic Party?
Michael Hudson
Wall Street First
Michael Hudson | President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, and Guest Professor at Peking University


  1. The DEMs are finding solidarity in resistance to Trump. This deluded thinking preserves their status quo (funding) while ignoring the obvious: the DEMS, like the GOP, abandoned the vast majority long ago.

  2. MH understands what is happening better than anyone I know, except for Tom Hickey of course.

  3. " The message to anti-war advocates, students and Bernie supporters was that their economic cause was a distraction."

    Still is... the lefts concern is about identity... a non-material issue... same with the alt-right... the left identitarians (alt left) control the Democrat party while not yet with the alt right controlling the GOP.. but Bannon realizes they are there and is appealing to them...

    So material people still control the GOP... imo not so with Democrats...

  4. He answers his own question:

    Firmly controlled by Wall Street and California billionaires, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) strategy of identity politics encourages any identity except that of wage earners. The candidates backed by the Donor Class have been Blue Dogs who pledged to promote Wall Street alongside neocons urging a New Cold War with Russia.

    They preferred to lose with Hillary than to win behind Bernie Sanders.
