

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Pam Martens and Russ Martens — Corporate Media Continues to Pump Out Fake News on Wall Street Crash of 2008

When there is an epic financial crash in the U.S. that collapses century old Wall Street institutions and brings about the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression, one would think that the root causes would be chiseled in stone by now. But when it comes to the 2008 crash, expensive corporate media real estate is happy to allow bogus theories to go unchallenged by editors.
What is happening ever so subtly over time is that the unprecedented greed, corruption and unrestrained manufacture of fraudulent securities by iconic brands on Wall Street that actually caused the crash are getting a gentle rewrite. The insidious danger of this is that Wall Street is never reformed or adequately regulated – that it remains a skulking financial monster with its unseen tentacles wrapped tightly around every economic artery of American life, retaining its ever present strangulation potential....
This is what public relations and advertising are about. There is no accountability for putting out false narratives. In fact, "consumer capitalism" is based on duping the rubes.

Wall Street On Parade
Corporate Media Continues to Pump Out Fake News on Wall Street Crash of 2008
Pam Martens and Russ Martens


  1. "it remains a skulking financial monster with its unseen tentacles wrapped tightly around every economic artery of American life, retaining its ever present strangulation potential."


  2. Let's get technical for a change: Is it more like a squid or an octopus ? Cuddle fish?


    "the order is grouped within the class Cephalopoda with squids, cuttlefish and nautiloids. "

    Could be a big "cephalopoda conspiracy!"... as opposed to the vast "neoliberal conspiracy!"...

  4. Thank you Bill Clinton for deregulating the FCC.

    In the 1980's there were over 50 major media companies. Today just 5 companies control 90% of all media.

    Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

  5. Noah Way, It was Reagan who did it: 1985. Allowed Murdoch to come in.


  7. Linton's Telecommunications Act of 1996 only finished off the deal:

  8. Maybe a "neoCephalopoda conspiracy!" .??
