Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Bill Gertz — China’s Great Leap in space warfare creates huge new threat

China is building an array of high-technology space arms – anti-satellite missiles, lasers, GPS jammers and killer satellites – that Beijing says will give its military strategic advantage in a future conflict with the United States.
The People’s Liberation Army now has the capability of attacking, destroying or disrupting the 500 US satellites circling the earth at heights of between 1,200 miles and 22,000 miles, according to a new study by a US think tank, the National Institute for Public Policy.…
The world will not learn the actual status of US and Chinese potential until "the shit's on," as they say in the US military. These capabitlies are top secret cosmic. But it is interesting to see that the US believes that it vital command and control system is at risk destruction in the first hours of war, leaving the US vulnerable. I wonder how TPTB will deal with that.

Asia Times


Kaivey said...

China's great leap in space warfare is in response to threat. It's self defence.

Schofield said...

So is China's insistence that foreign currency can only be exchanged through its government owned banks threat or self-defence? If it's neutral in its effect why don't all developed countries do it?

Matt Franko said...

Scho, All banks are govt fiscal agents so there is no difference due to ownership....