Saturday, September 16, 2017

AP: Tax cuts quiet once-deafening GOP call for fiscal discipline

Definitely moving this way as we head into Q4; you just knew this was going to happen.

GOP starting to salivate over the tax cuts; the appeal of this USD windfall is starting to overcome the "debt!" phobia. GOP libertarian "Freedom!" Caucus (35 members max) still will be somewhat of an obstacle Ryan/Trump have to get around.


Andrew Anderson said...

Why be opposed to deficit spending when one can receive welfare* proportional to account balance in the process?

* The debt of a monetary sovereign, being risk-free, should not yield over 0% minus administrative costs so any yield over that is welfare proportional to account balance.

Matt Franko said...


Its called the 'risk free rate' in finance:

Its a real thing...

Tom Hickey said...

The benchmark rate is the federal funds rate. The yield curve is based on this. The benchmark commercial lending rate is the yield on the 10 yr. tsy bond. The prime rate, which is the commercial rate for the highest quality borrowers, is based on this. Lenders operate on the spread. The rate less qualified borrowers pay is based on the prime rate plus credit risk.

Andrew Anderson said...

Its a real thing...

Where have I denied that evil is real (at least for the present)?

Matt Franko said...

Hey in your prayers you better correct Jesus and tell Him He was evil to feed 5,000 on a couple of loaves and fishes and then have even more leftovers than when He started as a linear function of what He started with....